Training Programme 2025
We are once again inviting women of colour* to sign up for our FREE archival training programme. This is an opportunity to come together, access the archives after hours, and explore creative ways of bringing out untold and overlooked stories.
Workshop 1 will take place at Sheffield City Archives on the 30th January 2025.
This will the first of four workshops that take place between January and April 2025. Each workshop will end with an evening meal paid by us!
The purpose of this training programme is to enable women of colour to access local archives. By develop archival and creative skills, we hope to give participants the confidence and knowledge to dig deep into the archives for years to come. We recognise that the archives can be harmful spaces and so this programme brings women of colour together to form a supportive community.
*We have a broad understanding of what it means to be a woman of colour. This includes anyone who is marginalised as a result of their gender, including trans women.