His name is listed with 79 definite voyages in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade database, most likely more.
The diary itself is innocuous, about his investments in a colliery, going out to dinner, visiting his son.
“I had a few drops of ruin (gin)”.

So casual, so nothing to see here and yet this man caused the suffering and death of thousands upon thousands and that legacy must run into millions.
“Weather fine”
I do sometimes run out of words...

Ships carried anywhere between 250 to 650 slaves.
Times the average of this estimate by the 79 known ships in Staniforth’s name, 425 x 79, is where we get the figure of 33,575 taken men, woman and children.
This figure could easily increase exponentially if the true number of voyages were documented, not accounting the many ships lost at sea. With most vessel in this period being extremely overcrowded we will never know the true number of souls taken or lost.