Our Open Studio at Soft Ground was full of creativity and fun. Three commissioned artists showed the process behind their work - shadowpuppets, textiles and poetry book binding - and invited visitors to have a go themselves. All with the backdrop of children playing and laughing while making their own art and stories.
We left with our hearts feeling full. That through art we had brought this group of people together to learn about marginalised heritage and explore different ways to share their stories.
This felt particularly important during a very heavy week, with far-right riots spreading violence and hate across the country.
It was a reminder that people of colour are deeply embedded in the foundations of South Yorkshire. We have unalterably shaped the region while struggling against the desperate throes of Empire. We belong here as much as anyone else and here we will stay.
A fascinating discussion about the hidden history of South Yorkshire and how the visual arts can bring it to life. Featuring commissioned artists Kedisha Coakley, Seiko Kinoshita and Patricia Bugembe with Senior Archivist Cheryl Bailey.
A live procession through Sheffield City Centre to honour the first recorded Chinese people in Sheffield and numerous other ancestors from East and South-East Asian communities who passed through or settled in South Yorkshire.