story 18 Jul 2024

Hunter 77

Part of: Persistence Works
Artists Cole Morris

Joe Philips is a steel worker in Sheffield who, in 1971, builds a boat that he hopes will take him back to Jamaica. Shadow puppets and film.

Story: Joe Philips is a Jamaican born steel worker and filmmaking enthusiast living in Sheffield during the 1960s. In 1971 he built his own boat out of scrap bits of metal because he wanted to travel and visit his home in Jamaica. Like much of the Caribbean diaspora post Windrush he finds life here hard. In the archives we have his voice talking about his boat.

He builds his boat over many years and mishaps and unfortunately never gets there.

The recovery: Cole Morris has reimagined the journey Joe didn’t get to make. Through shadow puppetry Cole takes Joe on the voyage with sea serpents, old soldiers and space rockets that finally takes him home.

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story 18 Jul 2024

Hunter 77

Joe Philips is a steel worker in Sheffield who, in 1971, builds a boat that he hopes will take him back to Jamaica. Shadow puppets and film.

story 18 Jul 2024

Nigeria Says No

'Nigeria Says No' is inspired by a 1909 article lamenting the fact that colonial Britain couldn't get Ibadan in Nigeria to drink enough article, unlike it states it can in Barnsley. Photography.

story 18 Jul 2024

Romulus & Remus

Two French horn playing footmen, Romulus and Remus, were ‘gifted’ when they were around 16 to Lady Rockingham (who had a stately home in Rotherham) in 1776. This is a mixed media charcoal portrait adorned with a collage of lokta textures. 45cm x 55cm.